Enjoy your retirement, Ruth Anderson! Read more about Ruth's years of service to the Rock County Historical Society in this Janesville Gazette article.
Outgoing Chapter Regent Nancy Zolidis (left) hands over the gavel to incoming Chapter Regent Leah Burrows at the April Janesville DAR meeting on April 8.
Reginald Foster Chapter Colonial Dames XVII Century & Janesville Chapter DAR have joined together to honor the memories of the 276 buried at the Second Rock County Poor Farm Cemetery, a.k.a. Potters Field. Many of those interred in the Rock County Farm Cemetery were unfortunates who were residents of these facilities. Others were indigents or transients. Their final resting place in the cemetery was marked by a plain square stone with only a number. This project entails gathering enough artificial flowers to make small, but nice bouquets for each grave. Each flower arrangement will include a small card with the deceased name and an epitaph. These bouquets will be placed on May 21, 2017.
The pictures below are from Ruth Anderson taken the last time bouquets were placed in 2016. (Click on a pic below for larger view.) |